Everything Your Wellness Business Needs

in One AI Platform

Everything Your Wellness Business Needs in One

AI Platform

Empowering Wellness Entrepreneurs to Grow and Thrive with Easy-To-Use AI Solutions

Join our supportive community and learn, grow, teach and have fun - together with your peers

For Health Coaches & Life Coaches

coach training health coaches life coaches

For Nutritionists, Foodies and Dietitians

nutrition events, events for foodies, cooking classes food nutritionist dietitian licensed dietician

For Wellness Writers & Book Authors

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For Wellness Product & Supplement Marketers

wellness products natural health products supplements nutritional supplements

The "Easy Button" For AI

If you're struggling to grow your wellness business...
If you're overwhelmed with the endless administrative tasks piling up...
If you're frustrated by generic tech solutions that don't meet your specific needs...
Or if you're worried that your wellness brand isn't standing out in the crowded market...
Then you'll want to hear what I'm about to share with you...

the easy button for AI easy technology the easy button for your wellness business
Join the AI wellness Universe - not-for profit community

Most wellness entrepreneurs are drowning in technological confusion...

They're using countless generic apps and free software tools that just aren't cutting it...

These business owners constantly struggle to engage their clients on a personal level...

They're stuck in a cycle of managing roles without any real support...

They fear falling behind competitors that are embracing technology...

But these overwhelmed business owners didn’t start transforming their wellness operations and boosting client interactions...

Until they stopped outsourcing costly tech solutions...

Quit trying to piece together multiple subpar apps...

And instead, started leveraging the AI Wellness Universe...

Which anyone can start using instantly from the comfort of their home or office...

No one believed it was possible...

Until these entrepreneurs tested the platform with cutting-edge AI solutions tailored just for them...

Where they quickly faced the root issues of outdated wellness strategies...

That’s when something unbelievable began happening...

Within days, their productivity soared...

all-in-one AI app platform provides everything your wellness business needs

Clients, friends, and peers observed the remarkable changes and were shocked instead of skeptical...
Suddenly, these businesses were witnessing a significant increase in new clients and customer satisfaction...
This AI integration was arousing interest from others in the field...
But gave a profound sense of relief and success to the entrepreneurs implementing it...

easy to use AI app platform network marketing social media social selling direct selling low cost

So, what is the hidden secret that leads to this rapid transformation?
I bet no wellness advisor, journal, or conference has ever introduced this before...
Yet as this case unveils, when our AI custom solutions are deployed, using an easy, no-code creation method...
Businesses instantly shift into a high-efficiency mode — something unseen before by many...

YES... it places you at the forefront of your industry with unprecedented visibility and effectiveness...
This highly coveted method is years in the making...

To date, this AI success strategy has empowered professionals around the globe...
And a handful of dedicated collaborators under our mentorship — using innovation blending holistic and technological approaches...
This has led to numerous inquiries, accolades, and opportunities lined up across different networks craving to unveil this method...
Yet, they remained deliberately concealed until this very moment...

How our AI Wellness Universe Community and
AI App Platform Can Help You Succeed

Now, something transformative is happening...

Ignoring traditional industry barriers...

These AI solutions and our collaborative platform are being released openly to you...

You gain access to elevate your wellness business, reimagine client engagement, and experience newfound simplicity on top of growth...... 

AI Wellness Universe no-code AI apps

...turning any perceived hurdles into...

 ...your stepping stones for achieving greater success and building a standout brand.

"The AI Wellness Universe has transformed my wellness business. The apps are intuitive and have helped me grow my community effortlessly!" – Helen Mintow

"Thanks to the AI Wellness Universe, I can now offer my clients personalized wellness solutions that truly make a difference." – Emma Sventa.

Why Choose Our AI Wellness Universe Community Platform?

easy to use AI app platform and community for wellness coaches

Our platform simplifies the use of AI technology in wellness businesses. 

It's designed to help you manage growth, personalize client experiences, and reduce administrative burdens without breaking the bank.

Creating a successful wellness business doesn't have to be overwhelming.

You might feel the need to invest heavily in new technology, but we provide an affordable solution that integrates seamlessly into your existing operations and supports sustainable growth.

Bottom Line:

If you're looking to streamline your business and improve client satisfaction, we can help!

About The Co-Founders

We are Dr. Christine Sauer and Gerry Daniels, co-founders of the AI Wellness Universe for Wellness and Business.

dr christine sauer gerry daniel ai wellness universe founders

Combining Dr. Christine's over 40 years of experience in healthcare and brain and mental health coaching and Gerry's tech ingenuity and corporate background, 

we developed tools to help wellness entrepreneurs like you to thrive.

Our core offering is a digital platform that supports your growth with easy-to-use, no-code AI apps.

These tools help you manage your business, engage clients, and find new revenue streams, all while keeping costs low.

What do you get inside the AI wellness Universe?

The AI Wellness Universe Memberships (Pro and Premium Memberships) come with a full suite of AI apps, designed to help Wellness Entrepreneurs to manage and grow their business and serve their clients with ease.

Some of the Apps included:

  • AI Video Creation App
  • AI Image Creation Apps
  • AI App to Create LinkedIn Posts
  • AI App to Create Facebook and Instagram Posts
  • AI Sales Coach
  • AI Chatbots (better than ChatGPT)
Ai video creation, AI image creation Ai social media apps, AI marketing apps, cahtbots

Low-Cost (or included) Digital Spaces, Online Meeting Rooms, Networking, Co-Working and Collaboration Spaces, even office spaces are available for a low fee

All spaces can be made your own (choose your background) and can be open 24/7 or only at certain times for events or webinars.

Low-cost digital spaces

Low-cost room rental for digital meeting spaces, online events

Would you like to own your own branded space, where your clients could go anytime, watch your band video, book an appointment or meet with you privately?

All that for no extra fee (Premium) or a very low rental (Pro)

You can have 2 (or more) rooms for your own exclusive use,  for example one as a showcase of your products and services, and a second one as meeting room.

Online Meeting Rooms

Here are just a few examples of online spaces for:
  • Events
  • Meetings
  • Trainings
  • Masterminds
  • Courses
  • Podcasts
  • Music
  • Videos...

a Zoom Alternative for Video Conferencing

replace your paid Zoom subscription with a membership to the AI Wellness Universe and save extra money!

digital office space

Online Meeting Spaces - Your Virtual Office is Here!

  • No Time Limit
  • Custom Room Backgrounds
  • Multiple Spaces branching out from one room
  • Open 24/7 or Timed Events
  • Easy Screen Sharing

Showcase your products and services in your digital spaces...

You can use an online room as a digital showcase

  • Greet Your Clients with a Video
  • Showcase Product Videos
  • Embed Product Images
  •  Embed Audio
  • Embed your Podcast
  • Embed Your Online Scheduler like Calendly or Acuity
digital product showcase service showcase

Host Your online events inside the AI wellness Universe...

event management event platform host your online events in the ai wellness universe

You can manage your online events inside the AI Wellness Universe...

  • on your custom domain
  • You can record meetings and events
  • currently up to 300 participants are welcome

More features to help you manage, grow and promote your business

Promote and grow your business with...

  • AI driven product recommendations
  • "Smart" Lead Generation using machine Learning
Machine learning for lead generation

AI Apps to Market your wellness business with ease and sell more products or services ethically

the easy button to marketing your business on social media linkedin marketing facebook posting instagram posts engaging social media posts

We support ethical sales and marketing for wellness entrepreneurs and coaches...

  • AI Sales Coach
  • AI Social Media Manager
  • AI LinkedIn Post Creation
  • AI Facebook Post Creation
  • AI Instagram Post Creation

Custom AI Knowledgebases...

This AI platform is customized for the Health and Wellness Industry...

  • product-specific knowledge-bases
  • Apps are informed by your chosen content
  • AI Coaches know what you inform them with
  • Create a "clone" of yourself as a coach
  • get AI e-commerce product descriptions
ecommerce product descriptions AI driven knowledge base

Live Training included

AI training included in the AI wellness universe

Get all your questions answered...

  • Participate in our Live Training
  • Watch training videos
  • Learn to create your own AI apps and AI coaches

Create High-Definition AI Images and AI Video...

Unlimited AI Videos and AI images included...

  • Forget spending hours trying to prompt grainy AI images
  • Create Scroll-stopping Ad images in minutes
  • So hyper-real they look like they were snapped by you
  • AI video so realistic you need to tell people it's AI (or they won't notice)
unlimited AI images unlimited AI video

Better than ChatGPT...

Create multiple AI Chatbots, AI Custom GPTs, AI Virtual assistants and more...

AI chatbot AI virtual assistant

You can cancel your subscription to conventional chatbots like ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot or Gemini...

  • Create your own AI Chatbots
  • Create Custom GPTs with ease
  • Create and use your own AI Virtual Assistants

Done for You or Done With you AI apps...

We make AI easy - ask us what you need and we deliver...

DFY or DWY AI apps...

  • AI Nutrition and Diet Plans and Coaches
  • AI Fitness Coach and AI Fitness Plans
  • AI Recipe Creation
  • AI Emotional Eating Coach
  • AI Mindfulness Coach
  • AI Mental Health and AI Brain Health Coach
AI nutrition app, AI diet apps, AI recipes, AI mindfulness AI eating coach AI and mental health AI brain

We Support our members 24/7

24/7 customer support

Need some extra support?

  • Live training on the successful use of the AI apps included
  • Customer Support included (24/7 - self-service)
  • Unlimited human support via email and WhatsApp (Premium)
  • Unlimited Video Support (Premium)

Everything your wellness business needs in one AI Platform...

Everything you need...

  • Your wellness business "in a box"
  • Serve clients with ease
  • Conduct Engaging and Fun Coaching Sessions
  • Keep on Track with AI Product Planner
  • Organize with AI Support
  • Create Courses with AI
everything for your wellness business in one easy AI platform

Try the AI Bible Apps - not only For our Christian Members

AI Bible Coach AI bible quotes

Want to explore Scripture easier?

  • The Bible Coach helps you to find your way around the bible
  • Create images from your favorite Bible Quotes
  • Find your favorite quotes with these Bible AI apps
  • Use it to support your Spiritual Connection, not to replace it

Make The AI wellness Universe Your Own...

More Options...

  • Get featured on the AI Universe
  • PodcastCreate your own AI Podcast
  • Your own Custom "Star" App
  • Link Your AI app to your current website
  • Your own Training and Events 
  • Your own AI Courses
AI Podcasting AI Podcast Creation AI courses AI mastermind  AI training

Share your AI wellness universe with Clients and Customers

Share the AI Wellness Universe

It's better when we share...

  • Share your AI apps with your clients or customers
  • Share some of the AI apps targeted to a specific niche
  • Share the AI Wellness Universe with colleagues and earn a commission
  • Apply for our Affiliate Program to share and earn

Train to Become an Expert Health Coach or Life Coach

Want to be a great coach?

  • Basic Coach Training Included 
  • Certification Available (Upgrade)
  • Train to Become a Certified Soulful Leaders Transformational Life Coach
  • Train to Become a Certified Soulful Nutrition Health and Life Coach
  • Dual Life and Health Coach Certification
  • Communication Training
coach training to become a health coach training to become a life coach learn how to become a coach

Learn how to Share Your knowledge, products and services the right way - without being pushy

AI marketing training courses for wellness coach for health coach  wellness entrepreneurs marketing for life coach

Get Support to Start and Grow your Practice

  • Soulful Marketing Training Included
  • How to explain your offers to your clients or customers
  • Learn the Art of Soulful Selling without being pushy
  • Share your life experience and knowledge the right way

Comparing Costs...

A Cost Comparison of what you may spend now (time and money) with our Pro Plan

You've seen the massive benefits - and maybe you are a bit scared and ask yourself: "How much is it?"

Compare costs together with us...  add up your own current expenses and check for yourself...

cost comparison AI wellness universe platform ai apps cost ai cost comparison

Compare your current costs and expenses with our low-cost Membership plans for the AI wellness Universe

low-cost membership to AI app  membership cost what does a subscription to the AI Wellness Universe cost

Why are the AI Universe Membership Plans so Affordable?

Here are just a few reasons why our subscription plans are so affordable and will stay that way...

  • We are a not-for-profit organization - we are driven solely by our cause - to spread wellness and holistic health to as many people as possible - you help others by joining us
  • We keep expenses as low as possible - more members, lower cost per member
  • Your support can keep costs low for all - when you share your AI Wellness Universe, everyone wins
  • Creating your own AI solutions is expensive - together we are stronger!
  • We create custom AI apps and custom GPTs and AI coaches for you - just ask to get...
  • Our all in one design (that is fully customizable) saves you hard-earned money
  • Save your mental space and energy to serve more clients instead of wrestling with complex technology systems
  • when you join us today, your price is grandfathered and will not increase (except for necessary inflation adjustments)

Choose Your AI Wellness Universe Subscription

Purchase the system and support that fits your budget. Get in now at the low introductory rates. Prices will go up. 

Your price is grandfathered at the price extended to you at first signup and includes all updates and future upgrades and addition to your chosen membership tier. (except for necessary increases due to inflation)



Try us for free for 7 days, then transition automatically to Pro

  • Participate in Meetings
  • Attend All Events
  • Try our amazing AI apps
  • Start writing a book, supported by AI
  • Realize the Potential for Your Wellness Business Growth




Grow faster - Everything in Pro Plus personal support

  • Everything in Pro, plus...
  • Unlimited Email Coaching and Support
  • Personalized Video Support
  • Free Courses on Technology and AI Use
  • Whitelabel Access and Support Included

Choose a Month-to Month (or yearly) Subscription. No commitment. Cancel anytime without penalty...

money back


30 day guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee for 30 Days

Purchase With Confidence...It's Risk Free!

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing deal, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the AI Wellness Universe?

The AI Wellness Universe is an all-in-one platform designed specifically for wellness entrepreneurs such as health and life coaches. It provides AI-driven solutions to streamline business operations, enhance client interactions, and promote growth in the wellness industry.

How can AI apps help my wellness business grow?

AI apps on the AI Wellness Universe platform offer personalized marketing, client management, and streamlined administrative tasks. This enables wellness entrepreneurs to focus more on client interactions and developing unique wellness programs, ultimately facilitating business growth.

What types of support are available for non-tech-savvy users?

The AI Wellness Universe offers personalized video support, live training sessions, and 24/7 customer service to guide users who may not be familiar with technology. This ensures a smooth experience for all members in harnessing AI tools effectively.

How do the AI Wellness Universe's features support collaboration among peers?

Our platform includes digital co-working spaces and networking opportunities designed to promote collaboration among wellness entrepreneurs. Members can share insights, host events, and participate in group coaching sessions to foster a supportive community.

Are there customization options available within the AI Wellness Universe?

Yes, the platform provides customizable digital spaces and AI apps that cater to the unique needs of each business. This flexibility ensures that entrepreneurs can tailor their client interactions and marketing strategies effectively.

How does the platform guarantee affordability and value?

As a not-for-profit organization, the AI Wellness Universe offers low-cost membership plans to support widespread access to AI tools in the wellness industry. The innovative design keeps costs low while providing comprehensive support and resources for growth.

What makes the AI Wellness Universe different from other wellness business platforms?

IUnlike generic solutions, the AI Wellness Universe is specifically tailored for recently retired professional women over 40 entering the wellness sector. It combines community support with easy-to-use AI applications to empower users without requiring advanced technical skills. And it uniquely combines AI knowledge with wellness practice, focusing on ethical integration and community engagement.
